ECoC Points
What are the ECoC Points?
The ECoC Points are public spaces, the community hubs and intellectual workshops of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture (hereinafter: ECoC) programme, for the partners implementing and contributing to the delivering of the ECoC programme.

Pannon Community Hub
The Pannon Community Hub was established in cooperation between the University of Pannonia and VEB2023 Jsc., the organiser of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture Programme. The new Community Hub can be found in the building 'E' of the university, which is a new meeting point for students, young people from Veszprém and the surrounding area. Here we would like to plant the seeds of the ECoC project titled Generation Bridge, which aims to organise programmes with representatives of the young and older generations that will help to establish communication and real and meaningful contact between the generations.
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Jutasi Community Hub
A special community space for engaging micro-communities of the Jutasi housing estate population, which is also a platform for generating a supportive presence and networking.
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